An Introduction To Common Psychological Disorders (Volume 2) is a collection of established perspectives, which outlines, discusses and explains various factors behind a wide variety of psychological disorders, articulated through 13 Chapters. Initially, this book begins by outlining the signs and symptoms of schizophrenia, followed by a discussion on autism as a neurological disorder; The history of Asperger’s Syndrome; An introduction to eating disorders; The History of sleeping disorders; Substance related disorders; Dissociative disorders, ADHD, The use of talking therapy in mental health, Psychotherapeutic medicine in mental health, and a discussion on somatoform disorders. Each chapter discusses the main theories relating to the each psychological disorder, followed by a discussion of the main treatments and prognosis where possible. Furthermore, each chapter includes a summary and a list of established psychological tools; inventories and scales used by clinical psychologists and psychiatrists, as part of their patient assessment process. Most importantly, academic sources and citations are an established feature of this book, thus enabling students the opportunity for more in depth research while accommodating mental health practitioners who have an interest in abnormal psychology.
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